�� Yesterday was a longgg day. First, went for a lunch at my Uncle Gerryapos;s huge house, which got boring, and soon, left for Kallang Leisure Centre where my sisterapos;s birthday was held. It was pretty fun, little kids running all over the place, trays of fairybread and cupcakes and mini sandwichs. Reminded me of all the birthdays I had when I was a little kid After that, Taby, Scott, Val, Nic and I left to get a cab...well, more like, I got a cab to Town, and they took a bus to Marina. Went to see Olivia for a couple of drinks at Cosmo. Before that though, I saw Niqhol and Lily whom I havenapos;t seen in agess Fuckin missed her...
���After Olivia and I talked to them for a while, we left for Cosmo. She wanted to talk to me about everything, and honestly, Iapos;m so fuckin glad I have Olivia in my life. I know she gets harsh sometimes, but at the same time, I realised I never had a friend who cared so much about me in that sense...It was really great talking to her, and working everything out. At least she bothers to ask, and hear my perspective on things.
�� So after 2 Coronaapos;s, Oliviaapos;s friend Josh came, and soon, all of her guy friends, Louis, Luke, Warwick, Josh, and Calder came. We just chilled and talked...soon after, since I hardly ate anything all day, began to feel dizzy. Not high or drunk, just dizzy...got up, and while Oliv was helping me to the toilet, I�fell quite alot, and blacked out...All I could hear were voices...And at one point, as I was walking up the stairs, I fell, and smacked my cheek bone on the edge of the stone steps...my skin split open, and�it bled�all over the right side of my face. After what seemed like ages just to get to the toilet, I managed to get there...and puked alot. My cut kept bleeding despite the amount of tissues Olivia used to stop the bleeding. She called James to come meet us, which he did in like minutes, and he came and looked after me since Olivia and Josh were going to leave for Clarke Quay soon. Before she left, she put a plaster on my cut, which turned completely red from all the blood within minutes. James helped me through it though, so Iapos;m glad. We decided to go to Far East since he wanted a bottle of wine. While there, James came into the girlapos;s toilet with me to help me change my plaster, which freaked him out since heapos;s a baby when it comes to blood and plasters, haha. We walked around for a bit, and then went to Far East Shopping Centre where sat and well..yeah.�
�� Got a cab afterwards since my Dad was really angry that I�fell and possibly had to get stitches. When I got back, we went straight to the hospital, where I got 3 injections, one on my arm, and two jabs on my cut to numb the whole thing. It was a really strange and unusual sensation...painful, numbing...strange...But hey, Iapos;m glad I got it over and done with. Wouldnapos;t want a huge scar on my face thats for sure
�� So yes, that was my Saturday. I know, theres always some drama in my life. I honestly have no idea how Iapos;ve survived through it all.
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